Friday, 20 November 2015

Five Important Work Suggestion - Very Useful for Success

This post is in partnership with Time. The article below was originally published at

With so much career advice floating around the interwebs, some of it is bound to be poor. Luckily we here at Levo don’t just trust the haphazardly doled-out opinions of self-appointed “leadership experts” and other dubious characters. We go straight to the top—men and women who have worked their way to massive career success — and ask them. What strategies actually worked for them? Which career buzz phrases should be ignored completely? Here are a few pieces of career advice that you should never follow.

1. “Always have a five-year plan.”
Haven’t you heard? Five-year plans are out, pivoting is in. Having tangible goals is awesome and necessary, but trying to plan out the next five years of your life is neither. The best opportunities are often those that you don’t see coming. Being too stuck to your “five-year plan” inhibits you from taking opportunities as they arise, and pivoting in new directions.

2. “Don’t be a job hopper.”
There are worse things to be. Namely, the quiet loyal workhorse who never leaves or makes the money she deserves. It’s a new economy people, job hopping is becoming the norm. These days, employees who stay in companies for longer than two years earn 50% less over their lifetimes. So yes, be gracious and respectful to each and every one of your employers, but certainly don’t stay in a position for fear of being labeled “a job hopper.”

3. “Follow the money.” / “Just do what you love and the money will follow.”
Equally bad advice, from opposite ends of the spectrum. Following the money with complete disregard for your interests is a surefire path toward a soul-sucking career doing something you hate. It may not even be the best financial move in the long term. On the other side of that coin, doing what you love with the expectation that financial success will miraculously follow is naive and ridiculous. As Kate White always says, think about where your interests and talents intersect with the greatest potential for financial success, and head toward those points of intersection.

4. “Don’t be too grabby. Let your work speak for itself.”
This is the kind of advice your Middle Eastern grandfather who owned a small business 40 years ago might give you (not from personal experience or anything). Even if it means well, it is just not true. Remember that episode of New Girl? Jess wants to be vice principal of her school: “I’m just hoping, you know in a few years, I’ll have enough experience that Dr. Foster will consider me for Vice Principal.” Coach asks, “Why don’t you just ask for it?” Jess says, “You can’t just ask for a promotion, you know, you have to earn the promotion with years of hard work.” Coach laughs. Please, don’t be Jess.

5. “Don’t waste time applying to jobs you know you won’t get.”
We just published a great piece from the Personal Branding Blog that addresses this very topic. Just because you think a particular job is a reach or you’re not the ideal fit, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply. Within limits of course—don’t start applying for wedding photographer assistant positions if you want to be a pharmacist (unless you’ve always cultivated a secret passion for photography of course). Every job you apply to is an opportunity to tighten up your resume, hone your interview skills, and build confidence, which is never a waste of time.

Article From InZeed:

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

心的回归 - 这一生,我们都走在回家的路上




夜 深,烟花升,灯火明。多少人已经离开了家,多少人将要离开家,又有多少人想要回家。多少人在异地不经意的抬头,看见烟火绚烂的绽放,失落感油然而生,可 为了所谓的梦想,多少人无可奈何,百感交集。家里的灯火或许没那么美丽,烟花或许没那么灿烂,但是自己的内心仍能感受到家的体温,它像母亲的双手般温暖, 父亲的教导般纯朴,亲人的劝告般温馨。它流在你的血液里,扎根在你的骨髓中。它无时不刻不在提醒你,让心回家。

公益回家的广告,煽动了我 们多少泪点,也唤醒了我久已沉睡的心。父母在,不远行。直到今天我才大彻大悟,这句话说了两千年,可有多少人才能明白它的真谛? 有多少人能按照它的旨意前行?起码我不是,以前不是。我不得不悔恨自己,悔恨当初。曾经一心想飞,想离家远远的,越远越好。抛开一切,逃避束缚,为了所谓 的梦想,可怜的父母,在所谓面前低人一等,而他们没有半句怨言,依然在静静的支持你,鼓励你。背后的辛酸与泪水你看不到,你看到的只是灯红酒绿,你看到的 只是金钱与权力,你看到的只是名声与羡慕!你眼里只有你所谓的成功,只有你的片刻的掌声与欢笑。你没有看到,父母的孤独与寂寞,他们什么都不需要,只要你 的陪伴与电话!他们只想要一个完整的你,一个健康快乐的你。有时候他们只是想见你一面,想听听你的声音,这你都不能满足,又怎能谈成功?

我 欠他们的太多了,多的一辈子都无法弥补,这是一种罪,天大的罪,罄竹难书。我们太吝啬了,小气到在家就不曾说句感激的话,不曾多一些时间多陪一陪他们。 而我们呢,很忙,真的很忙。我们忙什么了?睡觉?玩电脑?玩手机?聚会?是啊,是挺忙的。我们给了他们多少时间?一日两餐吗?

内疚是失败 者 的独白,但却是良心的谴责。当车票买到手的那刻,我知道我对父母的歉疚只能加深而不能弥补了。远行,我甚至有些反感了,多少次我扪心自问,按 照这样的走法,与父母的相处机会可是真的屈指可数了。相信很多远行者都是一年回家两次,按照这个算法,我们回家的次数还能过百吗?

永远不会 忘记,我们是中国人,百善孝为先。如果我连最基本的都做不到,我就是一个一事无成的人,一个不完整的人。每次离家我都会躲避母亲的眼神,那是失 望,期望,坚定的汇总。仔细想想,我最基本的责任都没尽到,其他还有什么可谈。家,永远是我们梦境也是我们自己创造的,是我们大脑存在的凌乱的记忆碎片在 梦中被一种无形的力量加以整合与编造,使之存在短暂的真实感,并伴随着醒来渐渐消退。的港湾,心中没有家的人永远是一个失败者。




Wednesday, 23 September 2015

五种有效的学习方法 - 方法比努力重要

1 目标学习法
教 学内容是由许多知识点构成,由点形成线,由线完成相对独立的知识体系,构成彼此联系的知识网。因此明确目标,就要在上新课时了解本课知识点在知识网中的 位置,在复习时着重从宏观中把握微观,注重知识点的联系。另外,要明确知识点的难易程度,应该掌握的层次要求,即识记、理解、应用、分析、综合、评价等不 同层次,最重要的就是明确学习重要目标,即知识重点。有了目标能增强我们学习的注意力与学习动机,即为了这目标我必须好好学习。

学 习目标与人生目标不同,它比较具体,可以在短时间内实现。它可以使我们比较容易地享受成功的欢乐。增加我们的信心。因此,目标学习法也是成功教育的主要 策略之一,同时,实现学习目标也是实现人生目标的开始,只有使大小、远近目标有机的结合,才会避免一些无效劳动的发生。

2 问题学习法
带着问题去看书,有利于集中注意力,目的明确,这既是有意学习的要求,也是发现学习的必要条件。心理学家把注意分为无意注意与有意注意两种。有意注意要求 预先有自觉的目的,必要时需经过意志努力,主动地对一定的事物发生注意。它表明人的心理活动的主体性和积极性。问题学习法就是强调有意注意有关解决问题的 信息,使学习有了明确的指向性,从而提高学习效率。


3 矛盾学习法
矛盾的观点是我们采用对比学习法的哲学依据因为我们要进行对比,首先要看对比双方是否具有相似、相近、或相对的属性,这就是可比性。对比法的最大优点在 于:(1)对比记忆可以减轻我们记忆负担,相同的时间内可识记更多的内容。(2)对比学习有利于区别易混淆的概念、原理,加深对知识的理解。(3)对比学 习要求我们把知识按不同的特点进行归类,形成容易检索的程序知识,有利于知识的再现与提取,也有利于知识的灵活运用。

综观中学课本,可比 知识比比皆是,如政治内容中,权利与义务、民主与法制、物质与意识、和平与发展等等;如语文学习中,复句与单句、设问与反问、比喻与借 代、记叙与议论、实词与虚词等等;如数学学习中,小数与分数、指数与对数、奇函数与偶函数、平行与垂直等等;如化学学习中,金属与非金属、晶体与非晶体、 化合与分解、氧化与还原、酸与盐等等。对比学习法不仅可以用于同一学科内的学习,还可以进行跨学科比较,如学习政治可用语文中的句子分析法来分析政治概 念,如在学习近现代史中的民族解放运动时,又可以利用政治有关民族的基本观点,学习自然学时,可回忆一下有关语文课本中的有关科学家的传记文章,也可结合 唯物辩证法的有关原理进行学习。

4 联系学习法

根 据心理学迁移理论,知识的相似性有利于迁移的产生,迁移是一种联系的表现,而联系学习法的实质不能理解为仅仅只是一种迁移。迁移从某种意义上说是自发 的,而运用联系学习法的学习是自觉的,是发挥主观能动性的充分体现,它以坚信知识点必然存在联系为首要前提,从而有目的地去回忆、检索大脑中的信息,寻找 出它们间的内在联系。当然,原来对知识掌握的广度与深度直接影响到建立知识间联系的数量多少,但我们可以通过辩证思维,通过翻书、查阅、甚至是新的学习, 去构建新的知识联系,并使之贮存在我们的大脑之中,使知识网日益扩大。这一点是迁移所不能做到的。

学习新知识就要想到旧知识,想到自己亲 身经历过的事,不能迷信权威,克服定势思维。把抽象的知识具体化,发挥右大脑的作用。如辛亥革命发生在1911年, 二次革命发生在1913年,护国战争发生在1915年,护法战争发生在1917年,这四个历史事件依次间隔二年,只要记住这两个历史事件的逻辑顺序,知道 其中任何一个事件的年代,就可以联想,推算出其它三个事件的年代。这是联想记忆法。


5 归纳学习法




Monday, 31 August 2015

Youth - Time of Beautiful Emotion

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing appetite for what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

When your aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you’ve grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 80.


Friday, 21 August 2015

浮生半日 烟火红尘 一念清净 烈焰成池


苦雪烹茶安然度过世界末日,许多人和事都重生了,我想我也会忘了那只乌鸦在末日的方舟上几番徘徊,飞过无痕,狮子却说爱我就让全世界都知道。爱是一 场荨麻 疹,容我再洗净铅华,待千帆过尽。这一别两宽心,各生新欢喜。太阳升起的时候,举目四方宿命繁星。如陈亦迅唱那首苦瓜:当你干杯再举箸,突然间相看莞尔, 某萧瑟晚秋深夜,忽而明了了,而黄叶便碎落。








烟水悠悠,淡酒一盏,十二月风雪客,同年同月同日刮着同个方向同样度数的风,都已不是当时。我想我是在待着一位故人,他还没有来,也许在来的路途上,我且沏好了茶,待着,如此 就好。


Monday, 13 July 2015

关于山, 描写山的诗句 - 文中带山的经典古文



14. 客路青山外,行舟绿水前。
( 王湾《次北故山下》)
( 王安石《登飞来峰》)



转载自 InZeed:

有关于海的诗句 - 海纳百川 有容乃大




17,楼观沧海日,门对浙江潮。——宋之问《灵隐寺 》


转载自 Tetraph:

Saturday, 20 June 2015

New York Times Page Design XSS Vulnerability (Almost all Article Pages Before 2013 are Affected)

The New York Times  Old Articles Can Be Exploited by XSS Attacks (Almost all Article Pages Before 2013 Are Affected)


"The New York Times (NYT) is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851, by the New York Times Company. It has won 114 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization. The paper's print version has the largest circulation of any metropolitan newspaper in the United States, and the second-largest circulation overall, behind The Wall Street Journal. It is ranked 39th in the world by circulation. Following industry trends, its weekday circulation has fallen to fewer than one million daily since 1990. Nicknamed for years as "The Gray Lady", The New York Times is long regarded within the industry as a national "newspaper of record". It is owned by The New York Times Company. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., (whose family (Ochs-Sulzberger) has controlled the paper for five generations, since 1896), is both the paper's publisher and the company's chairman. Its international version, formerly the International Herald Tribune, is now called the International New York Times. The paper's motto, "All the News That's Fit to Print", appears in the upper left-hand corner of the front page." (Wikipedia)

(1) Vulnerability Description:

The New York Times has a computer cyber security problem. Hacker can exploit its users by XSS bugs. 

The code program flaw occurs at New York Times’s URLs. Nytimes (short for New York Times) uses part of the URLs to construct its pages. However, it seems that Nytimes does not filter the content used for the construction at all before 2013.

Based on Nytimes’s Design, Almost all URLs before 2013 are affected (All pages of articles). In fact, all article pages that contain “PRINT” button, “SINGLE PAGE” button, “Page *” button, “NEXT PAGE” button are affected.

Nytimes changed this mechanism since 2013. It decodes the URLs sent to its server. This makes the mechanism much safer now.

However, all URLs before 2013 are still using the old mechanism. This means almost all article pages before 2013 are still vulnerable to XSS attacks. I guess the reason Nytimes does not filter URLs before is cost. It costs too much (money & human capital) to change the database of all posted articles before.

Living POCs Codes:' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>?pagewanted=all&_r=0' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>' "><img src=x onerror=prompt(/justqdjing/)>

POC Video:

(2) Vulnerability Analysis:
Take the following link as an example,
It can see that for the page reflected, it contains the following codes. All of them are vulnerable.

<li class=”print”>
<a href=”/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-impact-in-the-world.html/”><vulnerabletoattack?pagewanted=print”>Print</testtesttest?pagewanted=print”></a>

<li class=”singlePage”>
<a href=”/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-impact-in-the-world.html/”><testtesttest?pagewanted=all”> Single Page</vulnerabletoattack?pagewanted=all”></a>

<li> <a onclick=”s_code_linktrack(‘Article-MultiPagePageNum2′);” title=”Page 2″ href=”/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-impact-in-the-world.html/”><vulnerabletoattack?pagewanted=2″>2</testtesttest?pagewanted=2″></a> 

<li> <a onclick=”s_code_linktrack(‘Article-MultiPagePageNum3′);” title=”Page 3″ href=”/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-impact-in-the-world.html/”><vulnerabletoattack?pagewanted=3″>3</testtesttest?pagewanted=3″></a> 

<a class=”next” onclick=”s_code_linktrack(‘Article-MultiPage-Next’);” title=”Next Page” href=”/2012/02/12/sunday-review/big-datas-impact-in-the-world.html/”><vulnerabletoattack?pagewanted=2″>Next Page »</testtesttest?pagewanted=2″></a>

(3) What is XSS?
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.

"Hackers are constantly experimenting with a wide repertoire of hacking techniques to compromise websites and web applications and make off with a treasure trove of sensitive data including credit card numbers, social security numbers and even medical records. Cross-site Scripting (also known as XSS or CSS) is generally believed to be one of the most common application layer hacking techniques Cross-site Scripting allows an attacker to embed malicious JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, or Flash into a vulnerable dynamic page to fool the user, executing the script on his machine in order to gather data. The use of XSS might compromise private information, manipulate or steal cookies, create requests that can be mistaken for those of a valid user, or execute malicious code on the end-user systems. The data is usually formatted as a hyperlink containing malicious content and which is distributed over any possible means on the internet." (Acunetix)

The vulnerability can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Firefox (34.0) in Ubuntu (14.04) and IE (9.0.15) in Windows 8.

Discover and Reporter:
Jing Wang, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)

More Details:

Mozilla Online Website Two Sub-Domains XSS (Cross-site Scripting) Bugs ( All URLs Under the Two Domains)

Mozilla Online Website Two Sub-Domains XSS (Cross-site Scripting) Bugs ( All URLs Under the Two Domains)

(The two domains above are almost the same)

Websites information:
", are cross references designed to display the Mozilla source code. The sources displayed are those that are currently checked in to the mainline of the CVS server, Mercurial Server, and Subversion Server; these pages are updated many times a day, so they should be pretty close to the latest‑and‑greatest." (from Mozilla)

"Mozilla is a free-software community which produces the Firefox web browser. The Mozilla community uses, develops, spreads and supports Mozilla products, thereby promoting exclusively free software and open standards, with only minor exceptions. The community is supported institutionally by the Mozilla Foundation and its tax-paying subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. In addition to the Firefox browser, Mozilla also produces Thunderbird, Firefox Mobile, the Firefox OS mobile operating system, the bug tracking system Bugzilla and a number of other projects." (Wikipedia)

(1) Vulnerability description:

Mozilla website has a computer cyber security problem. Hacker can attack it by XSS bugs. Here is the description of XSS: "Hackers are constantly experimenting with a wide repertoire of hacking techniques to compromise websites and web applications and make off with a treasure trove of sensitive data including credit card numbers, social security numbers and even medical records. Cross-site Scripting (also known as XSS or CSS) is generally believed to be one of the most common application layer hacking techniques Cross-site Scripting allows an attacker to embed malicious JavaScript, VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, or Flash into a vulnerable dynamic page to fool the user, executing the script on his machine in order to gather data. The use of XSS might compromise private information, manipulate or steal cookies, create requests that can be mistaken for those of a valid user, or execute malicious code on the end-user systems. The data is usually formatted as a hyperlink containing malicious content and which is distributed over any possible means on the internet." (Acunetix)

All pages under the following two URLs are vulnerable.

This means all URLs under the above two domains can be used for XSS attacks targeting Mozilla's users.

Since there are large number of pages under them. Meanwhile, the contents of the two domains vary. This makes the vulnerability very dangerous. Attackers can use different URLs to design XSS attacks to Mozilla's variety class of users.

POC Codes:<body onload=prompt("justqdjing")><body onload=prompt("justqdjing")>

POC Video:

(2) Vulnerability Analysis:
Take the following link as an example,<attacktest>

In the page reflected, it contains the following codes.
<a href="/mozilla-central/source/chrome/%253Cattacktest%253E">

If insert "<body onload=prompt("justqdjing")>" into the URL, the code can be executed.

The vulnerability can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Firefox (26.0) in Ubuntu (12.04) and IE (9.0.15) in Windows 7.

(3) Vulnerability Disclosure:

The vulnerability have been reported to Mozilla are dealing with this issue.

Discovered and Reported by:
Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)

More Details:

All Links in Two Topics of Indiatimes ( Are Vulnerable to XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Attacks

All Links in Two Topics of Indiatimes ( Are Vulnerable to XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Attacks 

(1) Domain Description:

"The Times of India (TOI) is an Indian English-language daily newspaper. It is the third-largest newspaper in India by circulation and largest selling English-language daily in the world according to Audit Bureau of Circulations (India). According to the Indian Readership Survey (IRS) 2012, the Times of India is the most widely read English newspaper in India with a readership of 7.643 million. This ranks the Times of India as the top English daily in India by readership. It is owned and published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. which is owned by the Sahu Jain family. In the Brand Trust Report 2012, Times of India was ranked 88th among India's most trusted brands and subsequently, according to the Brand Trust Report 2013, Times of India was ranked 100th among India's most trusted brands. In 2014 however, Times of India was ranked 174th among India's most trusted brands according to the Brand Trust Report 2014, a study conducted by Trust Research Advisory." (

(2) Vulnerability description:
The web application online website has a security problem. Hacker can exploit it by XSS bugs.

The code flaw occurs at Indiatimes's URL links. Indiatimes only filter part of the filenames in its website. All URLs under Indiatimes's "photogallery" and "top-llists" topics are affected. 

Indiatimes uses part of the links under "photogallery" and "top-llists" topics to construct its website content without any checking of those links at all. This mistake is very popular in nowaday websites. Developer is not security expert.

The vulnerability can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Mozilla Firefox (26.0) in Ubuntu (12.04) and Microsoft IE (9.0.15) in Windows 7.

POC Codes:">homeqingdao<img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>">singaporemanagementuniversity<img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>">astar<img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>">nationaluniversityofsingapore<img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>

POC Video:

What is XSS?

"Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted web sites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. Flaws that allow these attacks to succeed are quite widespread and occur anywhere a web application uses input from a user within the output it generates without validating or encoding it." (OWASP)

(3) Vulnerability Disclosure:
The vulnerabilities were reported to Indiatimes in early September, 2014. However they are still unpatched.

Discovered and Reported by:
Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)

The Weather Channel at Least 76.3% Links Vulnerable to XSS Attacks

The Weather Channel at Least 76.3% Links Vulnerable to XSS Attacks

Domain Description:

"The Weather Channel is an American basic cable and satellite television channel which broadcasts weather forecasts and weather-related news and analyses, along with documentaries and entertainment programming related to weather.  Launched on May 2, 1982, the channel broadcasts weather forecasts and weather-related news and analysis, along with documentaries and entertainment programming related to weather."

"As of February 2015, The Weather Channel was received by approximately 97.3 million American households that subscribe to a pay television service (83.6% of U.S. households with at least one television set), which gave it the highest national distribution of any U.S. cable channel. However, it was subsequently dropped by Verizon FiOS (losing its approximately 5.5 millions subscribers), giving the title of most distributed network to HLN. Actual viewership of the channel averaged 210,000 during 2013 and has been declining for several years. Content from The Weather Channel is available for purchase from the NBCUniversal Archives." (Wikipedia)

Vulnerability description:

The Weather Channel has a cyber security problem. Hacker can exploit it by XSS bugs.

Almost all links under the domain are vulnerable to XSS attacks. Attackers just need to add script at the end of The Weather Channel's URLs. Then the scripts will be executed.

10 thousands of Links were tested based a self-written tool. During the tests, 76.3% of links belong to were vulnerable to XSS attacks.

The reason of this vulnerability is that Weather Channel uses URLs to construct its HTML tags without filtering malicious script codes. 

The vulnerability can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Firefox (34.0) in Ubuntu (14.04) and IE (9.0.15) in Windows 8.

POC Codes, e.g."--/>"><img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>"--/>"><img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>t%28%27justqdjing%27%29%3E"><img src=x onerror=prompt('justqdjing')>

POC Video:

The Weather Channel has patched this Vulnerability in late November, 2014 (last Week).  "The Full Disclosure mailing list is a public forum for detailed discussion of vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques, as well as tools, papers, news, and events of interest to the community. FD differs from other security lists in its open nature and support for researchers' right to decide how to disclose their own discovered bugs. The full disclosure movement has been credited with forcing vendors to better secure their products and to publicly acknowledge and fix flaws rather than hide them. Vendor legal intimidation and censorship attempts are not tolerated here!" A great many of the fllowing web securities have been published here, Buffer overflow, HTTP Response Splitting (CRLF), CMD Injection, SQL injection, Phishing, Cross-site scripting, CSRF, Cyber-attack, Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards, Information Leakage, Denial of Service, File Inclusion, Weak Encryption, Privilege Escalation, Directory Traversal, HTML Injection, Spam. This bug was published at The Full Disclosure in November, 2014.

Discovered by:
Jing Wang, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)

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